Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girl advice!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

ok so theres this girl that i have been talking to for about 2 weeks off and on. Im not the smoothest with the girls so i have made a few mistakes, such as trying to keep coversations on fb and aim going for too long or messaging her day after day and not letting her have a break

ive only been talking to her for about three weeks, so is it too late to fix all that?? just make sure i give her the space she needs and dont bug message her one more time especially if she ends the convo right?

I wanna go to lunch with her this coming weekend itll be the first time we actually hang out and at some point it could get pretty awkward so how do i stop that? what can we talk about? topic?

thanks in advanceGirl advice!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Don't focus so much on the topics my man. Let me tell you something girls like guys who express themselves. A guy with passion ,confidence and is not scared to be himself.Try to do these things and she's yours for the keeping.

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