Saturday, July 31, 2010

I NEED GIRL ADVICE!!! My girlfriend moved in, but now regrets it...thinks we moved to fast...?!!?!?!?!?!?

I have been dating my girl for about 10 months, we love eachother and used to have alot of fun, but when I got my own place (just moved for college) she started staying with me every night, and we started to argue and become angry with eachother alot more, but we kept it in and never fought.

She recently moved all her stuff into my place. I was completley fine with it, no big deal to me, but now she is saying that she thinks we moved to fast, and that she should move back out since we argue pretty much every day...

I am worried that she won't ever want to live me now, that she will never be ready to again..

I don't want to loose her, but I am worried..should I be?

Thanks.I NEED GIRL ADVICE!!! My girlfriend moved in, but now regrets it...thinks we moved to fast...?!!?!?!?!?!?
Well with all relationships you expect to fight a little or disagree on things but fighting every day does not sound good. Yous both need to sit down and talk about why you both just cant agree to disagree with each other. Men and Woman will always have different views on things so you both need to meet half way. I don't think its a matter of you both moving to fast its the fact that you need to communicate on a level in which you can both meet in the middle. There this saying that you always truly get to know someone when you live with them. If she wants to move out then let her but gentle remind her that you both are better off trying to live together to see if the relationship will work. Hope i have helped good luck and never give up on the person you truly love

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